Call Us First For Any and All Kinds of Legal Problems
By : Christian Thompson | Category : Uncategorized | Comments Off on Call Us First For Any and All Kinds of Legal Problems
5th Feb 2019
No matter what kind of problem you, a relative, or friend may have, always call us first at the office number any time of day or night, 610-359-1009 and leave a message, or on Mr. Thompson’s cell, 610-220-0592, Rebecca Gambino, Esquire’s cell phone, 610-306-5904, or the office Manager, Beth’s cell, 610-220-0593. If we cannot handle the case, we know many attorneys who handle criminal, landlord tenant, collection, family law matters like divorce, custody, or child-payment problems, business disputes, wrongful termination from a job, injuries on the job, or any other legal problem outside our field that we can refer you to and that you can TRUST because we know them and you will be treated fairly. Don’t get caught up in the unnecessary problems that arise from hiring the wrong attorney. Call us first for any legal problem.